Student Priorities - GSU Officer Aminul's statement

Receiving 31.8% of the total votes cast, Greenwich students voted Reducing Costs on Campus as their 2023/24 priority. On that note, read this statement from your GSU Officer - Aminul.

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GSU Officer Aminul

GSU is membership led, and student voice is the centre of everything we do. That’s why every year, GSU members vote on their Student Priority – which is your opportunity to decide what your union prioiritises over the next year. In September and October, 794 of you voted for what you wanted from a list of five options. We are pleased to announce that your Student Priority this year is: 

Reduced Living Costs on Campus 

You can find more information on the Student Priority website page.  


GSU Officer Aminul’s Statement: 

Reducing expenses on campus is our top goal as devoted Students' Union Officers. We acknowledge that many students find attending University to be a considerable financial burden, and we think that financial limitations shouldn't prevent anyone from having access to a high-quality education. We are continually working to reduce hidden cost on campus that will benefit our students to allay this worry. Some of these strategies include promoting accessible and reasonably priced course materials, increasing financial aid options, and improving fee structure clarity and making the printing service free for students. 

As a committed officer of the Students' Union, our main goal is to confront the topic of hidden costs on campus, which is a key student concern. We are aware that the cost of a University education encompasses much more than just tuition, and that for many students, unforeseen costs can pose a serious challenge. We are dedicated to bringing these hidden financial issues to light and putting solutions in place. In order to give students a clear understanding of the true expenses of their education, we want to increase transparency in university fee schedules, textbook prices, housing costs, and necessary services .Through partnerships with university administration, advocacy, and practical solutions, we are dedicated to making higher education more accessible and affordable for all students, allowing them to focus on their academic pursuits without the undue stress of hidden costs. 

Stay tuned to GSU Website and social media for updates and information about how we will act on your priorities.  


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