Disability History Month - Josie's story

Read this short piece by Josie - a Music Business and Production student based at the Medway campus at the University of Kent, sharing their story as a student with hidden disabilities.

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Hi everyone! I’m Josie! 

I’m a disabled student at the University of Kent studying Music Business and Production. I’m ambitious and driven. I don’t let my disabilities get in the way of what I want to do. All my disabilities are hidden. You can’t see them. 

I suffer from various conditions; Fibromyalgia, FND, chronic seizures, musculoskeletal feet deformities and general joint inflammation and chronic pain.  

The main challenge I face is being judged by other people. I don’t look disabled to be using a wheelchair or if I can walk why do I use a wheelchair? I also get judged for being active. I do various sports such as swimming and dancing. When I do sports I have to prepare my joints to take on those activities and that can take time. I also take strong painkillers to help with pain and find CBD to help to an extent. 

What people see is me swimming. What they don’t realise is that I cannot get in the pool without a life jacket in case I have a seizure. What people see is me dancing. What they don’t see is my dancing shoes are fitted with custom insoles to keep my deformed feet in place and prevent my ankles from rolling.?On a daily bases I wear custom insoles to keep my ankles from rolling. They’re the reason why I can still walk. Without them it’ll be very painful. 

Aside from studying, I do various activities outside my university hours. This includes running a record label, acting, producing and songwriting. 

I saw the struggles first hand trying to get employment and this inspired me to start my own business, especially for musicians who want to have accessible backstage access. It’s for musicians who have disabilities and it’s structured to have the adjustments in place to allow disabled musicians to work in the industry. The business is currently in the process of building a map of venues which provide step free backstage facilities as well as front of house. 

There’s a lot of injustice towards disabled people. From workplaces and employers not making adjustments to various buildings not being accessible. There’s also a lot of people out there who think that we shouldn’t have the right to exist and be treated like human beings. 

Change is needed to combat injustice towards disabled people and improve accessibility so they can be included more in society. 



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